June 25, 2021

On June 25, 2021, the habilitation treatise of Dr. Harald Schönberger was uploaded to the online platform Uni Stuttgart (OPUS). Thus, one of the sources cited in our expert report on waste co-incineration in cement plants is finally publicly accessible.

  • Schönberger H. (2021): State of the art of the co-incineration of waste-derived fuels and raw materials in clinker/cement plants. Habilitation Treatise, accepted by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management.
  • Zeschmar-Lahl B., Schönberger H., Waltisberg J.: Sachverständigengutachten  Abfallmitverbrennung in Zementwerken, UBA-Texte 202/2020.
OPUS (online-Plattform Uni Stuttgart)
DOWNLOAD UBA-Texte 202/2020